Can Satan Read Our Minds?

To read our minds, Satan would have to have the ability to be two things: omnipresent and omniscient. He has neither characteristic. Only God possesses those attributes. Though he is the small “g” god of this world (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) and it is his spirit that is at work in the disobedient, Satan must rely on his worldwide army of fallen angels to globally gather information.

That information is obtained by Satan and his minions in a couple of ways: (1) observing our tendencies and habits and (2) overhearing us talk to others and ourselves.

The first method, with thousands of years of practice, does give Satan and his army the ability to make educated guesses about what we’re thinking. The second method obviously gives them intel to work with.

These methods, they will use to their advantage; knowing then; how, where, and when to tempt us. Though they can’t directly read our minds, they certainly have the power to project suggestions into our thoughts.

That’s why it’s so important to submit ourselves to God by renewing our minds every day; washing our thoughts in the Word so that they may be captive to obeying Christ. For we are what we think.

And, of course, we want to submit to the Lord in daily prayer; praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to help us walk in holy speech, tendencies, and habits. Submission in these ways is tantamount to resisting the ways of Satan.

When the enemy sees that kind of submission, that kind of devotion, it causes him and his cohorts to tremble. They will flee, not being able to stay in the presence of such Light that exposes their dark deeds.

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