Counseling the Philadelphia Church

Rev 3: 11-13

Jesus promises that He is coming soon. Speaking to that fact from His heavenly perspective ( a day to the Lord is a thousand years to us), the counsel to the Philadelphia church is to hold on to its love, faith, and witness. If one holds on, no one can pluck the believer from God’s hand. The only way separation can occur is if the believer lets go, having succumbed to the world. At that point, unless repentance is made, the crown of life is taken away.* So, it is imperative to hold on to one’s belief.

For those who hold on, they will become as fixed, stable supporters of the Truth – Jesus Himself (1 Timothy 3: 15). They will be as permanent pillars in God’s temple, never leaving it. Additionally, these overcomers will have the names of the Father, Christ, and the city of New Jerusalem figuratively written on them. The names of the Father and Christ, according to Revelation (14: 1) are written on the foreheads of the faithful. Again, this is symbolic. The names will represent a characteristic of God’s nature that is sealed in the mind and heart. The sealing of God’s name will show that the person belongs to God and is protected by Him.

The reason I say that the name will be a characteristic of God’s nature is because of what I found in the Old Testament that fits this future time-frame. Jeremiah 23: 6 says this about Jesus – “And this is the name by whereby He shall be calledThe Lord Our Righteousness.”

As for the name of the New Jerusalem that will be written upon them, that name is found in Ezekiel 48: 35 – “The Lord Is There.” That’s in line with Rev. 21: 3. “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be among them.” In other words, in the New Jerusalem, those who have overcome will get to eternally enjoy the experience of being in God’s immediate and everlasting presence.

Jesus spoke to the Philadelphians, and to us, that though our human strength is weak, He will supply the supernatural strength for us to go through His open door to spread the gospel and receive our crown of life. All we have to do is hold on by faith.


* Pls. read Eternal Salvation is Conditional. Click here.

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