Worship’s Anatomy

To begin with, there must be an acknowledgement of God’s kindnesses. These kindnesses are mercies from God that we don’t deserve. We don’t deserve them because this sinning world has turned its back to the Almighty One. We are naturally rebellious against Him, preferring sin and death rather than be accountable to Him.

Yet, He continues to grace us with His merciful love comprised of forgiveness, saving faith, the counsel and comfort of the Holy Spirit, and justifying and sanctifying righteousness.

That’s not all. God is patient with us. He is sympathetic to our conditions. He instills His peace, wisdom, and hope in our hearts and minds. He even intercedes on our behalf. And best of all, we get to keep these mercies forever, by virtue of Him gifting us with eternal life.

Acknowledgement of these mercies is not enough, though. An understanding of His kindness is in order too. It must be understood that He can be no other way. It’s the finality of who He is.

As such, that’s cause for appreciation; and if such recognition is truly heartfelt, it will lead to affection returned that’s exemplified by the giving of ourselves.

There must be a presentation to God of our hearts and frame of mind; that they’d be filled by His character. There must be a turning over to Him these things to use as well—our mouths, hands, feet, and sexual organs. Remember that acceptable worship for God, according to Him, is about sacrifice; not that of animals, but of a broken and humble human spirit (Isaiah 1: 11; Psalm 51: 17).

We would gladly want to do these things because, again, it would show that our comprehension of his mercies is accurate; that by His kindness, we see that He has our interests firmly entrenched in His heart.

That’s why it’s so important to stay in the Word of God. It is from studying and meditating on scripture that our minds are converted, helping us to live in the understanding of God’s mercies. From scripture also comes conviction, and from conviction comes affection. Such love will ultimately help to embrace God’s mercies.

By this, His mercies, is the motivation that fans the desire to glorify and exalt the Lord. It will result in true worship, typically expressed in a lifestyle that confirms the righteousness that comes from above.


Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12: 1, 2.

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