Poetic (#13)

This poem tells the story of a hopeless teen stating the condition of his life, and a Christian presenting to him the hope Jesus offers…


Lost–And Found!

By Susan Gurney



He chants “Hopelessness” as his mantra–
“Things will never change”–a constant refrain;
“All Black”–his fashion statement;
And blacker still–his mind’s dismal plain.


“At best, Life is drab and dreary,”
–At worst, it’s a living Hell!”
Shrugs the boy in a young man’s body,
“Beyond that, there’s not much to tell…”


“I go home at night to the fighting,
To the drinking, the swearing, the hate;
–And I’m not sure they’ve any awareness
That a teen shouldn’t be out so late…”


“I just want them to care–and to love me;
To matter to them more than Booze–
But somehow they’ve got lost in this “Life” thing,
Where it seems even the winners will lose…”


“Now I’m looking at all of my options–
Suicide? Running? Or drugs?
Which will best catch their attention–
So they’ll see ME, not what’s in their mugs?”


I shake my head at the young man’s summation
Of a life that seems hopeless and lost,
Yes, his options may wake up his parents–
But in exchange he would pay a high cost…


“Young man, your parents may not change,
But that’s no reason to punish yourself;
The One who made you has a better plan,
In that Book lying unread on your shelf.”


“I know it’s an amazing revelation:
–God your Creator loves even you;
He longs to hold you whispering: ‘Son’,
As only our Heavenly Daddy could do.”


“–No, not a ‘daddy’ who’s always missing,
Or absent even when he’s around;
But a Daddy who thinks you’re so special
That He can’t wait to hear your voice sound!”


“God will be the Friend who sticks like a brother,
Your Savior, your Guide, and your King;
Now just ask Him to sit as Lord of your heart–
A choice option that makes angels sing!”


“No, your problems won’t magically disappear;
Your family may still be as before–
But YOU will be transformed in His image,
And changed right down to your core.”


“When the burdens get too heavy to carry,
You’ll have a Friend to take on the load;
–And the power to live in joy daily,
No longer trapped by the world’s dark code!”


Susan Gurney writes devotionals, poetry, short stories, memoirs, and nonfiction on family history, faith and nature. She has experience writing/editing church and family newsletters. Find Susan at http://ssimonsgurney.christianblogsites.com/blog/ Copyright 2013 Susan Simons Gurney


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS

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