You Are Not a Child of God

I hear from unbelievers, a lot, that they too are God’s children. They usually tell me this when they want me to know that God cares about them as much as He cares about me. That’s true; no argument there. The only difference, though, is that I have accepted His caring. I have allowed myself to be adopted By Him.

But they go on, I sense, bolstered by the fact that because they are a creation of God, He automatically condones their worldly behavior. They seem to think they are justified in whatever they say or do because of the godly connection.

However, it is a connection that doesn’t exist. The connection has been broken. They don’t know that they are spiritually dead. They stand apart from the family of God. They are not His children.

Instead, they are children of Satan. They follow in his footsteps, doing the things that he favors. It’s a lifestyle of lying, cheating, cursing, drinking, smoking, drugging, hating, fornicating, and other such things like these.

I also hear a lot from another group. These are the ones who call themselves Christian. But they’re not. Many of them live the same as the other group. Yet, somehow they too think they’re protected as a child of God.

I hear them sprinkle the name of God in conversation. I see them sometimes wearing a cross. And, invariably, after some accomplishment, they’ve been known to either publicly thank God, or humbly point up to the sky to acknowledge Him.

They are totally blind and unfeeling to the defilement working in their minds and hearts. Their lives go on in the same way as before the point of professing Jesus. They are really unbelievers, as evidenced by the fruit they produce.

Though they profess God, their detestable and disobedient lives deny Him. They say they believe in Jesus. But it is only a belief in knowledge. It is not a belief that translates into their lives. In other words, to believe in Jesus is to be-live in Him. They too, being spiritually dead, are not children of God.

If you recognize yourself as being in either group, please stop fooling yourself that you’re alright in God’s eyes. You are not alright, and you’re not a good person. Even those of us who are being saved are not good. Only God is good.

We are only saved because of the merciful grace of God that has placed us, by our faith, inside the righteousness of Him who lives inside of us.

To become a child of God, you have to be adopted from the kingdom of darkness; the kingdom of spiritual death that we’re all naturally born into. Your adoption becomes a new birth that makes you alive with Jesus.

Please, get serious. Truly accept Jesus as your savior, and and let Him help you turn from your sins (repentance).

Put yourself up for adoption, and let the heavenly Father take you home to purity.

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