How to Stay in Touch With God During the Workday

From what we know in recorded scripture, I think it’s safe to say that Jesus didn’t have a secular job during His public ministry. This was a convenience that allowed Him to stay in touch with our Father. Of course, this was vitally important, because Jesus only wanted to do and say that which He heard from our Father.

So what can we, his followers, do to stay in touch so that we too may hear God? Most of us have full-time secular jobs that take up a significant portion of the day.

Here are three things that can be done to maintain a prayerful attitude, in order to hear God throughout the workday:

Prayer before leaving the home is super important. During the course of the day, there are going to be challenges and temptations to get us to sin. We want to pray to be covered by and to utilize God’s full body armor. We want to ask to have the Holy Spirit fill us so that our words and actions may be influenced by Him. In line with that, pray to be sensitive to His voice.

We want to ask the Lord to bless us to be a blessing to others, and ask what is it He would have us do that day. And then be quiet, and just listen. The answer may come then or later during the day. That’s why it’s important to stay in touch.

Listen to a Christian radio station, CD, etc., in your automobile on the way to the job. Absorbing the Word and/or worship music in this way keeps us close and sensitive to the workings of the Spirit. Sometimes God will give an answer to our praying questions through these settings.

Call on God during lunch and rest breaks. Take a part of this time and pray. It doesn’t have to be long. It can be a quick microwave type prayer. The point is to acknowledge the presence of the Lord and His promise not to forsake us.

If you like to read; instead of a secular publication, read the Bible or a Christian magazine, or some other Christian literature. Or, if possible, start a spiritual conversation with a co-worker. Again, what we are doing is giving ourselves the opportunity to stay in touch with and hear God.

These practices or disciplines, I believe, will keep us attuned to God throughout the workday.

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