Unmarried “Christians” Living Together

The law of sin resides in the members of our bodies. Then there is the law of the Spirit of life which resides in our minds. That there is a tug of war between the two is a good thing.

I say “good” because if one did not have his or her mind on walking according to the Spirit, there wouldn’t be any tension. As a result, one would be so inclined to fall into humanity’s natural state of walking in the flesh, even while professing Jesus.

I’ve seen this lack of tension in the lives of unmarried Christians who live together. They don’t see anything wrong with their situation because they say they are bonded by love. And of course God is love, so He wouldn’t be disapproving, they add.

But, of course He is. God in His word wants the following understanding to be exhibited in the Christian life. He says it is a gift if one can remain single, but if one does not have self-control and is burning with desire, then get married (1 Cor. 7: 8, 9).

The unmarried Christian couples I’ve encountered or heard about, have come up with all kinds of reasons to get around this. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are leaning on their own understanding instead of trusting God to know best. They don’t realize that in this matter they are walking in the flesh, evidenced by not accepting the Spirit’s teaching. Indeed, they can’t understand it. That’s because being in the natural, upon hearing it, it is foolishness to them.

Brought to their attention that what they’re doing is contrary to God’s ways, such admonition isn’t spiritually appraised. With their minds set on the flesh, they are hostile toward God. You see, in the flesh, the mind cannot accept the will of God. Nor is it able to do so (Rom. 8: 7, 8).

So yes, God is love. But He would not be approving of this kind of arrangement that goes against His will.

To go to church, tithe, and volunteer for church needs, and even serve in an official capacity does not make one a Christian. (Shame on churches turning a blind eye on this matter, allowing known fornicators to serve in leadership positions.) What makes one a true Christian is living a holy life according to God’s standards.

If anyone calls him or herself a Christian, but doesn’t feel or sense that living together outside of marriage is wrong, then it’s not that the Holy Spirit is failing to do His job. No, that’s not it. The Spirit will always tell us right from wrong.

The problem is that the person loves the sin and is loath to change, seeing nothing wrong with the relationship. Or it’s because the person’s lifestyle as a whole is walking in the flesh, and he or she doesn’t belong to Christ. If the latter, then there isn’t a dwelling within of the Holy Spirit.

In any case, it should be remembered that the heart is deceitful above all things. For in this one thing, God wants it known that fornicators will not inherit His kingdom ((1 Cor. 6: 9).

Many, because of a deceitful heart, have fooled themselves into thinking they are Christian. They are the ones insistent on refusing to do the will of the Father. They are the ones to whom Jesus, in that end day, will say, “Depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity.”

We shouldn’t be like the world, following its unrighteous customs. We should determine to do right; to take God’s hand and follow His lead.

Probably all those in this situation will say they love God. If so, repentance, a turning away from this lifestyle, is called for. They should receive the Holy Spirit and let the life of Jesus manifest itself in them.

Live the faith that our bodies are not our own, having been purchased with a price. God is for our bodies, and our bodies are for God. Let our romantic relationships be an exemplary, praiseworthy witness.


This view about walking in the flesh is taken from Romans 7: 21-23 and 8: 5-9. I’ve simply taken these verses applied to sin in general and applied them to the fruit of a specific sin.

Nonetheless, some will probably write this off as being judgmental, as though judgmental is all bad. It’s not. Click here to see why.

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