God’s Kindness

As Christians, we are God’s chosen ones to hold and communicate His oracles of truth; to be His light in this dark world; to illuminate His holy character. Because we are chosen, all of heaven’s resources are available to us. God sits on high longing to bestow blessings upon us. His mercy and goodness follow us wherever we go.

However, God’s kindness toward us does not give us the right to live anyway we choose. Calling oneself a Christian, going to church once a week, tithing, doing works of ministry, witnessing, and spreading the gospel does not provide a cover for living a worldly lifestyle.

If the pattern of living; if what one is publicly or personally known to be is that of a liar, a thief, a slanderer, a drunkard, an adulterer, a fornicator (includes living together outside of marriage), a practicing homosexual, disobedient to parents, and other unrighteous acts, know that no matter how much self-justification is made, God says that person will not bodily enter the kingdom of heaven.

To think that God, because of His loving kindness, understands and will bend to such immoral ways, is indeed not just self-justification, but great deception from the heart. This kind of thinking is from the old carnal mind that hasn’t been crucified. Therefore, it is a mind that is naturally antagonistic towards God, not being subject to His ways of life (Romans 8: 7).

God wants His thinking on these immoral matters to be known and understood. He is patient, willing that none perish, but He expects His children to heed His word, to be doers of His word. He has given His words, consisting of life and spirit, to work within the believer a work of replacement. In other words, the work that He begins and will finish, if allowed, is a work to put to death the old nature. His intent is to birth and grow an entirely new being. So there is no way the above transgressions can be sanctioned by Him.

We should not think lightly of His kindness comprised of tolerance and patience. For just because we have confessed belief in Jesus, placing us among His chosen ones, we need to understand and accept His kindness for what it is— an intention to lead to repentance (Romans 2: 4).

Choose to put away the old ways. Do not dishonor the Lord any longer, blaspheming His name among unbelievers. Remember that God, being a just God, will show no partiality. All who sin, having not repented, are condemned to be destroyed.

Repent! Let God’s kindness be your life.

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