Seeing The Blessing

I thank God for the blessing of His grace and the mind of Christ. With this blessing, comes a view of reality that doesn’t come from looking through  rose-colored glasses. There isn’t an expectation that being Christian means an exemption from problems and trials in life—and even persecutions. In fact, the nature of this fallen world guarantees troubling times.

However, there isn’t a need to despair because though the same afflictions blow against both believer and unbeliever, I know that Christians have the blessed advantage of comfort and peace by being anchored to the presence of God and His word.

Moreover, though it usually doesn’t occur at first to think it a blessing when tribulation comes, there will always be the Spirit willing to remind us to joyfully use the trial as an opportunity to check our faith level. The joy comes in seeing our greater need to rely upon and trust in the promises of the Lord; in seeing the opportunity for the Lord’s sanctification to further grow our character.  And so this we pray for…

We pray acknowledging that the power of God’s grace can be perfected in our weakness. We pray claiming His promise to move us toward perfection while confirming our roots in Jesus, strengthening our resolve, and establishing us as His very own by our sufferings (1 Peter 5: 10). We pray to persevere knowing that perseverance will result in a proven character and a hope that will not disappoint us (Rom. 5: 3-5).

Through trust in God’s word and grace, we can rise above whatever negative situation falls upon us and see the circumstances through heavenly, eternal eyes; knowing that the troubles here on earth can’t compare with the glories  awaiting us and our loved ones in Christ Jesus.

We are indeed blessed to be able to rise and look down at the victory that Jesus has given us over this world.

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