The Trinity is God

Three in one. One in three. Hard to understand, and rejected by the other two monotheistic religions—Judaism and Islam. But we Christians are adamant that there are three persons – the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – that together are one God.

The arrangement as to how this can be has been described with many illustrations; a couple of which are likening the Trinity to a fork with its prongs connected to one stem, and the suggestion that the concept can be compared to water in its three forms of liquid, ice, and steam.

Here’s my take on the subject. It’s not biblical; just a Greg-ism. I see the three as a united race called God. But unlike the human race which sin has disconnected from unselfish, agape love, and that has bent our nature toward ourselves; the nature of the Trinitarian race is made up of an agape love substance.

In this substance that binds this race, the three supernaturally (from our perspective) think, feel, and are motivated as “one.” I like to think that this is the “oneness” that characterizes this divine, spiritual race as the one God.

Of course this is just fond speculation. I have no problem with the popular description of the three being made up of the same substance and called the Godhead.

Unfortunately, we can’t see clearly now, but one day we will; for then we shall see God face to face. Amen!

In the meantime, we don’t have to lean on our own understanding. Instead, thank God, we have the certainty and comfort of walking in faith, that the three are one.

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