Who Are the 144,000?

  • The Father’s name is written on their foreheads (so too all the saved: Rev. 22: 4).
  • The group was redeemed from the earth (so too all the saved: 1 Peter 1: 18, 19).
  • The group is comprised of all virgins (so too all the saved: 2 Corinthians 11: 2). (The context of “virgin” is one who is devoted, exclusively, to the simplicity and purity of the gospel. They have not allowed themselves to be spiritually corrupted by apostate women; meaning churches. Biblically, the symbol of a woman is often used to represent a church.)
  • They follow the Lamb (so too all the saved: 1 Thessalonians 1: 6).
  • They are first fruits (so too all the saved: Jeremiah 2: 3; James 1: 18).
  • There isn’t any guile in their mouths (so too all the saved: 1 Peter 3: 10).
  • The group stands without fault before God (so too all the saved: Jude 1: 24).
  • They are called the “servants of our God” (so too all the saved: Rev. 7: 15).


Although, the 144,000 looks the same as the great unnumbered multitude, they can’t be thought of as the same. After all, they are pointed out as a separate, smaller group.

Here’s what differentiates them. They are the first fruits unto God, in terms of delivering or instructing His last message or warning to the world. They are at the head of the spear, so to speak.

That this wonderful truth will be delivered by a special group is prophesied by Daniel 11: 32, 33 — “The people that do know their God (the 144,000) shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people (the 144,000 again) shall instruct many (the great multitude).”

The 144,000 are settled in mind and heart concerning the truth of the three angels’ message (Rev. 14: 6-12). Amid much opposition, they will deliver with a loud cry, God’s last message to the world. It is a message that declares and invites one to partake of the Gospel, while at the same time revealing Satan’s tactics against it.

And in particular, the message warns against receiving the mark of the beast (1st day, Sunday allegiance). For the 144,000 are the repairers of the breach in God’s Law. In partnership with the Lord, they themselves are SEALED in 4th Commandment Law,  seeking to remind others that God said to REMEMBER and KEEP HOLY the 7th day of the week.

Another difference about the 144,000 is that in addition to having faith in Jesus and keeping keeping His Commandments, being SEALED in the 4th one; this small company of believers have such been sealed since the truth of the third angel’s message was discovered in the year 1844 (the warning not to take the beast’s mark; Rev. 14: 9-11).

That means the 144,000 is comprised of some who have died in Christ; some who are alive today; and of course those who will endure crisis just before and after the end of earth’s probation, before Jesus returns.

As for why John numbered a number that he only heard, 144,000 is a number based upon the kingdom number 12.  For example, 12 is the number of tribes of ancient Israel. Also,  it’s the number of spiritual Israel, the Christian church, built upon the 12 apostles. 12 x 12 = 144.

That being the case, John probably would have based the number 144 on what he also knew of ancient Israel’s military system. It was a system that organized Israel’s army into basic units of 1000. John would have thought of the number 144 as 144 units, each comprised of a thousand soldiers.

And thinking of the 144,000 as soldiers would’ve been because of chap. 7 also being an alert to the church to get ready for a final conflict. John would have seen it that way because, after all, the book of Revelation contains a theme of war between Jesus and Satan. And later in the vision, John is introduced to an army opposed to God and His people. John hears that army’s symbolic number as two hundred million (Rev. 9: 16).

And so I believe as well that John’s hearing 144, 000 is symbolic.


* Read Secret Rapture Needs To Be Left Behind. Click here.

** Read The Chosen People of God Are in Jesus. Click here.