I, the Living One, Hold the Keys

I have always lived and always will. In fact, I am life and life is Me. Consequently, within Me, all things are held together. That means I have ultimate control; but not just over things, but even over life itself— over Me.

I can terminate Myself, and I have. I walked the earth, and of my own choosing, in my own time, under My own authority, I chose to lay down My life. When I did, I died the second death; the one that is eternally extinct. I did it to pay the price of sin so that those in Me wouldn’t have to.

Even more have I done for My loved ones who have chosen righteousness over evil. Of My own accord, I, life, came back from extinction. Its nothingness couldn’t hold Me.

No one else has died the second death. I am the only One. I am the only victor over its nature. I live so that My loved ones may live. No one but Me has this power over life and death. I have the keys. Please, let me use them to open the door of life eternal for you.



All of the above is certainly not a direct quote. It’s simply me taking a flight of fancy within the framework of Revelation 1: 18…

“I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”



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