The Chosen Ones

Many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22: 14

In the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22: 1-14), a guy, excited by the king’s invitation to come to the feast, shows up. But he’s not allowed to stay because he ignored the king’s dress code.

This parable is an illustration of God’s call to the world to come to His kingdom. Most, lost in their worldliness, won’t come. Many hear the call and respond, but in their own way. Instead of traveling the only narrow road to get into the kingdom, they build their own roads that lead to a dead-end. Others travel the right road, like the guy thrown out of the feast, but insist on coming as they are, inappropriately dressed in their own apparel.

God has the right to set the requirements for entering His heavenly domain. He is the property owner. It is his choice to make as to who can inhabit the land. So it would behoove the want-to-be tenant to adhere to the prerequisites of the entrance policy.

God’s policy is that no one can come and live on His estate unless they are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus. It’s printed on the invitation. A person’s own righteousness won’t cut it, as it is un-pure; a filthy blemish in God’s eyes (Isaiah 64: 6). That there is no confusion, the invitation’s headline is, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Those are the parameters of God’s decision as to who He chooses to live with throughout eternity. Whoever is willing to believe in His Son, dependent on His righteousness, God chooses as His own. Unfortunately, relative to the world’s all-of-time population, it will only be a few entering heaven’s narrow gate.

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