Brief Random Thoughts (#8)

Habakkuk 3: 3 says God comes from Teman and Mount Paran. However, that isn’t to say that the prophet Habakkuk thought of those places as God’s literal, heavenly origin. Teman was a city to the east of Israel. The mountain Mount Paran was east of Israel too. The prophet, in praise, was simply saying that God rose and brightly shined over His people as does the sun that rises from the east.


The Bible calls both Lucifer (Isaiah 14: 12) and Jesus (Revelation 22: 16) “morning star.” That both are called this probably has to do with the idea of brightness. Lucifer, more than likely, was called “morning star” in terms of outshining the other angels as the one created as the most powerful, intellectual, and beautiful. This in no way made him equal with Jesus, though, who is his Creator and who is the “light of the world.’’


Determining who or what Gog and Magog is in the Old Testament can be confusing. In Ezekiel 38 and 39, the Hebrew translation has Gog as a person and Magog as a region. However, the Greek translation of Ezekiel treats Gog and Magog as synonyms for the same country. On top of that, by the end of the first century AD, Jewish tradition simply turned Gog and Magog into meaning the ultimate end-time enemies of God’s people. This last view is probably what the apostle John had in mind when, in the New Testament, he wrote the following.

“When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the Earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.” Revelation 20: 8.

In writing Revelation, John often used references from the Old Testament (over 250 times). John knew that Ezekiel named Gog, from the land of Magog, as the leader of several savage nations that would attack Israel from the north. In Revelation, a highly symbolic book, it seems that John apparently used the term Gog and Magog to simply represent each and every nation in the world banding together to attack the New Jerusalem.

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