Poetic (#24)

This poem is by guest writer, M. S. Lowndes.



 The Valleys Of Life


These times are to be treasured
For all that God would do
So we will be better equipped
For the valley we must go through
For it’s down in the valleys
Where we are surely tested,
Where we need more of God’s grace
As we share the gospel message
Where God does a deeper work
Revealing our true selves,
Removing all that’s not of Him,
Like unbelief and doubt
So our lamps again can shine
Without the smudges of sin,
To clearly reflect God’s light inside
That once was burning dim
So others can see the hope we have
And be drawn unto the light,
So they, too, can come to know
The saving grace of Christ.

© By M.S. Lowndes

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