Trinitarian Love Prompted Creation

Awareness didn’t just at some moment come about. There never was a time that God didn’t clearly know Himself. He knew that He was Spirit, and that He was everything. Nothing else existed.

Except this within Himself—harmonic joy and satisfaction among the three that made up being God. The three were and are fulfilled by their love for each other.

This solo existence had the potential to go on forever. However, it was not to be so. At some point, they saw and must have understood that their feelings for each other was a love so giving that it would inevitably find expression outside of their Trinitarian bond.

After seeing the direction that their love would take, a plan was formed to create the reality of that vision. It would be a creation that would be able to enjoy always-existing love. Other beings would be their representatives and share in their harmony as creation would unfold.

A spirit realm was built, and governing, life guiding principles were established. In this place, there would be spiritual beings to occupy and experience the divine love of oneness.

This love, however, would not end with making angels and other heavenly beings. God’s love saw a purpose to create another realm. In this realm, the eternal love completed its external manifestation. In doing so, It created another order of beings that were different in composition—not spiritual, but physical; not merely representative, but an extension.

That there are now others to share their love with, and to commune with, doesn’t take away or diminish the feelings for each other within the Trinity. It is precisely because that love has been spread, that the love within the Godhead grows.

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