A Concert From the Throne

All of a sudden! You find yourself standing on what appears to be a sea of glass. A multitude of people surround you as far as the eye can see. You continue to look around. At the same time, you become aware of the warm, filling, energy that is humming through your body.

You look down at your body. You are clothed in a white robe. You’re holding a palm branch in your hand.

Instantly you know where you are. Halleluiah! And sure enough, in your vicinity, you see loved ones—most you knew were in the Messiah, others you didn’t know were in Him. They see you. There is a rush towards each other; a coming together of screams, jumping joy and satisfaction.

Simultaneously, you become aware that the entire multitude has broken up into their familiar groups of celebration too. Your happiness extends to and for them as well.

After some time – who knows – you hear the sound of a trumpet. All attention is turned to the front. There, a rainbow; and underneath it, the throne, and the One sitting on the throne.

Amazingly, you have a close-up view, even with perhaps billions between you and the throne. There are others standing around the throne that you recognize – angels, the elders, and other creatures – but your eyes are riveted on the One who sits, clothed in jeweled light.

He who sits is smiling, looking over the throng before Him. When He looks in your direction, it’s as though He is looking at you personally. The tears on His face, you can see, are tears of welcoming joy.

The next thing you know is that you hear yourself  – not in English, but in the heavenly language – say out loud with the multitude, “Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

And then you sing. With raised hands, you and the multitude sing. You sing; not about God, but to God. It is an unknown song to you and the others. Yet the words come forth in unison.

Afterwards, the most remarkable thing happens. God stands. There is silence. For how long, who knows? He raises His arms, palms toward the multitude. He opens His mouth, and the first fragment of the sound of His voice stops your heart.

At the next heartbeat, you realize He is loving you with song. God is singing to you! Though He is in front, His voice comes from all around you; not in words, but that of a never- before- heard, string instrument. His voice lifts you,  and you fly away in what you recognize as vision.

He shows you the works He has planned for you; not just in heaven, and not just on the new earth, but throughout universal existence. Marvelous is your life that has become His righteousness wherever you go.

As you more than light-speed throughout all there is; the celestial, vibratory sounds of the cosmos harmonizes with His voice; showing the riches of His glory, and of your share of inheritance with the Messiah.

Then His singing brings you into His heart. Within it, you are overwhelmed by His concern for you…by the importance He attaches to you…by His love for you. You are bathed in a complete and perfect understanding of oneness.

You return to the sea of glass as the voice that transcends all else ends its melody.

Wow! Listen to the applause. That was indeed a blessing.

Now you and the multitude return a blessing to God. The shout goes out to Him: “Encore! Encore!”

He obliges.


Please don’t take the above as anything other than what it is—a bit of enjoyable musing. What I’ve written, I’m sure, doesn’t and can’t come anywhere close to what it’ll actually be like to hear God sing. The reality of this piece, though, is that God does sing over His people.  Zephaniah 3: 17 (NKJV).

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