Divine Intervention?

I wonder if God saved my life before I became a Christian.

I had been drafted into the army near the end of the Viet Nam war and gone through the swearing-in ceremony. However, I didn’t go any further. I was allowed to enter a delayed entry program.

Remembering all the details as to why I was granted the delay has become fuzzy over time, but it had something to do with my claiming familial responsibility. And the weird thing is that I wasn’t married. I simply was living with a woman and helping to take care of her child. By all accounts I shouldn’t have been allowed to enter the program.

So one day I’m working on a construction job and I trip and fall under a column of bricks that fell across my right foot. The heel on that foot was nearly severed. Fortunately a surgeon’s skillful hands saved my heel.

That accident prevented me from going to war. And maybe it prevented me from going to death in that war. Now, I know that it didn’t necessarily have to turn out that way, but it does fit into a theory I have about God acting on His omniscience.

The theory is that because God can look into time and therefore knows the end from the beginning, He can see those who have accepted Jesus.

That being the case, He then goes back in time to intervene in this fallen world’s random acts to make sure that the converted will reach their conversion.

Again, this is just theory. I haven’t seen anywhere in the Bible that God operates in this way.  But I want to hold onto it. It’s comforting.

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